Please China in Tibet, mrolsen 2016,130x100cm, pigment, acryl
Vikingkarma for China, mrolsen 2016, 120x90cm,pigment,acryl
The answer of the Oracle,mrolsen 2016, 125x90cm,pigment,acryl
Please China in Greece, mrolsen 2016, pigment, acrylic, 130x100cm,
What happend 9-11-2001,mrolsen 2016,128x96cm,piment,acryl
The Chinese connection. mro 2016. 80x60cm, pigment,acryl
Vikingkarma for Exarcia,Athens. mrolsen 2016 , 250x350cm, acrylic on paper
1.Formeget kjaerlighed. – Too much love. – acrylic on wood, h. 15 cm. mrolsen.2012
2. Den første storm. –The first storm.— acrylic on canvas— h.23cm — mrolsen 2011
3. Den gamle elsker.—The old lover. — acrylic on wood— h. 18 cm.– mrolsen 2013
4. The pusher .– acrylic on canvas— h. 48 cm. mrolsen 2013
5. Tiden går.—Time is running.— acrylic on wood —h.24 cm. mrolsen 2013
6. LIBYA.—- acrylic on wood. — h,18 cm.— mrolsen 2011
7. Næstved. — Naestved — – acryylic on wood— h.16 cm.— mrolsen 2012
8. Forblæst hjerte. — Windy heart. — acrylic on wood — h. 22 cm. –mrolsen 2012
9. Little corner . —acrylic on woods— h.15. –mrolsen 2013
10.Therese. — acrylic on wood— h.14cm. mrolsen 2013
11. Kunstner,— Artist. — acrylic on wood— h.25cm. mrolsen 2013
12. Mørkt hjerte. —- Dark heart. — acrylic on wood — h.14, mrolsen 2012
13. I haven. —- In the garden.— acrylic on wood h.12.cm. mrolsen 2012
14.I maaneskinnet, — In the moonlight.—.acrylic on wood. h.13 cm. mrolsen 2013
15. Buddhas hjerte. — Heart of Budda . acrylic on wood h.18 cm mrolsen 2012
16.Vinterhjerte, — Heart of winter — acrylic on wood — h.15 cm. mrolsen 2012
17.Spoegelse. — Ghost. acrylic on wood. h,14 cm. mrolsen 2011
18.Little corner 2.. acrylic on wood. .h.13 cm. mrolsen 2013
19. Alene — Alone. — acrylic on wood — h. 16 cm. — mrolsen 2012
20. To pushere. acrylic on wood. h.23. mrolsen 2013
21. Efteraar —.Autum.acrylic on wood . h. 12 cm mrolsen 2012
22. Arab spring. acrylic on wood. h. 18 cm. mrolsen 2012
23. Ved juletid,—- Around christmas. acrylic on wood. h. 18 cm. mrolsen 2012
24. Lille familie, — Small family., acrylic on wood. h.12.cm. mrolsen 2013 (sold)
25.Trusse hjerter. — Panty hearts. — acrylic on wood. h. 13 cm . mrolsen 2012
26. burning monk no. 1. Made in china. mrolsen 2013, h 14 cm, acrylic on wood
27. Burning monk 2. Made in china. Acrylic on wood. h. 13 cm. Mrolsen 2013
28. Burning monk 3. Made in China. akryl på træ.h 15 cm. Mrolsen 2013

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Please contact :
Mail: mrolsen09@gmail.com
Mobil: 0045 28 32 36 93
Maglemølle 67, 1.
DK-4700 Næstved